Payaz donations kiosk

The Church has a Payaz donations kiosk by the main door, which members of the congregation and visitors can use to donate using a contactless card or other device.

Making donations

To make a donation, tap the screen to select an amount, then tap the card or payment device on the reader at the top. You can also enter a custom amount by tapping the button.

Cancelling donations

To cancel a donation, press the button on the upper right hand side of the card reader.

Gift Aid

The card reader can collect all the details necessary for Gift Aid. After making a donation the person will be (depending on the campaign settings) prompted to leave their email address and either complete a Gift Aid declaration there and then, or be emailed one for future.

For busy services (such as weddings, funerals, baptisms and Crib) you may wish to skip Gift Aid collection. See Quick Mode for instructions.

Fast payments

If the service has a large number of people likely to want to donate you can switch fast payments on, which will automatically skip the Gift Aid declaration process and move people through faster. To do this:

  1. Swipe from the left hand side of the screen towards the centre to open the menu
  2. Select “Fast payments”
  3. Turn “Fast payments” on

After the service remember to turn fast payments back off.

You should make sure fast payments is disabled for events such as Open Days which are likely to have low-volume donations where people can take the time to leave their details. For other services it’s left to your own discretion as to if fast payments is needed.

Selecting a campaign

We have a few giving campaigns set up which are suitable for various needs. They have subtly different settings for things like donation amounts and Gift Aid declaration gathering which are more appropriate to each situation.

  • Giving (Service): Use this for most services.
  • Giving (Open Church): Use this when the church building is open at other times, such as Open Church and Heritage.
  • Funeral: Use this for collections at the end of a funeral. You must make sure the campaign has been correctly updated with the name of the deceased and the correct charities.

To select the campaign:

  1. Swipe from the left hand side of the screen towards the centre to open the menu
  2. Select “Campaigns”
  3. Choose the relevant campaign and activate it

Configuring campaigns

To change any of the reader’s campaign settings or set up a new campaign, you will need to sign in to Give A Little.


You should always consult with the Technology Team before you unlock either the kiosk software or the enclosure.

Leaving Kiosk Mode

By default the reader is in Kiosk Mode, which stops you from accessing other applications and settings. To exit this, tap the screen seven times in quick succession and enter the PIN.

For the PIN, check the Card Payment Devices documentation in Google Drive.

Unlocking the enclosure

If you need to unlock the enclosure for any reason the key is in the key safe in the office.