Radio microphones

It is best practice for all people who are speaking to be using a microphone, even if they have a loud voice. This makes sure they are heard in the building, via the hearing loop and via any service stream.

Wearable microphones

There are two radio microphones in the Church, labelled “President” and “Deacon”. These are usually stored in the back vestry.

The receivers for these are located in the back vestry. To switch them on, power up the amplifier rack. The microphones are controlled using channel 7 and channel 8 which are labelled on the audio mixer, but these should normally be left at the correct level and not need adjustment.

It is usually the responsibility of the person wearing the microphone to switch it on and off at appropriate times in the service.

Wearing a microphone

The microphones are lapel-clip types, which should be clipped close to the collar with the microphone facing upwards.

Handheld microphone

There is a handheld microphone in the Church, which is stored on the tech desk.

The receivers for this is located in the back vestry. To switch it on, power up the amplifier rack. You will also need to bring channel 6 up on the audio mixer.

To switch the radio microphone on, use the switch at the very bottom. A green LED on the side indicates when the microphone is switched on.