Regular publications

The Communications Team is broadly responsible for the final production and dissemination of the following regular publications:

  • Weekly order of service (printed and website)
  • Weekly notice sheet (email and website)
  • Weekly “table talkers”
  • Monthly “this month’s services” printed sheet

Getting something into a publication


A “service” is a catch-all term for a public act of worship we invite people to attend.

To be imported, a service must:

  • Be in ChurchSuite, and;
  • Belong to one of the service categories, and;
  • Have the “Embed” setting switched on

Once imported additional metadata can be added, which influences how the service appears in downstream tools.


  • Services are assigned a default image based on their category, but this can be overridden by providing a 16x9 image in ChurchSuite.


An event is something which happens at a specific point in time. Since the calendar in ChurchSuite includes many events we are not particularly interested in promoting, an event must be flagged as “Featured” to be included. This will also surface the event on the Church website.

To be imported, an event must:

  • Be in ChurchSuite, and;
  • Have the “Embed” setting switched on, and;
  • Have the “Featured” setting switched on

Once imported additional metadata can be added, which influences how the event appears in downstream tools.


  • It is strongly recommended that every event has a 16x9 promotional image added in ChurchSuite.
  • Imported events will still not appear in outputs unless they have been provided with at least structured location information and notice text.


All notices which are not about an event should be emailed to [email protected] so that they can be added.

Flow diagram

This diagram gives a high-level overview of how information flows into these various publications. Dashed lines represent manual stages, solid lines are fully automated.

flowchart TD
  INT[/"`Names for intercessions`"/]
  CS[/"`ChurchSuite calendar`"/]

  ServStore[("`Services information store`")]

  NSServices[("`Notice sheet services list`")]
  NSNames[("`Notice sheet names list`")]
  NSNotices[("`Notice sheet notices list`")]

  POOS[/"`Printed order of service`"/]
  OOOS[/"`Online order of service`"/]
  ENS[/"`Emailed notice sheet`"/]
  ONS[/"`Online notice sheet`"/]

  MS[/"`Monthly services list`"/]
  TT[/"`Table talkers`"/]

  SUImport[["`Services Utilities Importer`"]]
  CUServicesImporter[["`Comms Utilities Services Importer`"]]
  CUEventImporter[["`Comms Utilities Event Importer`"]]
  CUSheetGenerator[["`Comms Utilities Sheet Generator`"]]

  subgraph Herald
      MSGenerator[["`Monthly service list generator`"]]
      TTGenerator[["`Table talker generator`"]]
      OOSTextGenerator[["`Printed OOS text generator`"]]

  INT -.-> NSNames

  CS -- Services --> SUImport
  SUImport --> ServStore

  ServStore --> CUServicesImporter
  CUServicesImporter --> NSServices

  CS -- Featured events --> CUEventImporter

  CUEventImporter --> NSNotices
  NOT -.-> NSNotices

  NSNames --> CUSheetGenerator
  NSNotices --> CUSheetGenerator
  NSServices --> CUSheetGenerator

  NSServices --> OOSTextGenerator
  NSNotices --> OOSTextGenerator

  OOSTextGenerator --> POOS

  CUSheetGenerator --> ENS
  CUSheetGenerator --> ONS

  LIT -.-> OOOS
  LIT -.-> POOS

  NSServices --> TTGenerator
  NSNotices --> TTGenerator
  TTGenerator -.-> TT

  NSServices --> MSGenerator
  MSGenerator -.-> MS