External printing
For all large-format, specialist or bulk printing we use a third-party printer. Our preferred supplier for most things is SoloPress, with whom we hold a print account.
All requests should go via the Communications Team so that that can be checked for style, proof-read and properly formatted before being sent to print.
Although most printing can be turned around in a few days if absolutely necessary, it is strongly recommended that you allow at least a two-week lead time for external printing. This gives the Communications Team time to proof the material, make any necessary changes, order the print job and allow for delivery.
FSC Certification
Wherever possible, we should opt for FSC Certified paper stocks.
Carbon neutrality
Printing carries an inherent carbon cost. As part of our commitment to reach Net Zero by 2030, you should opt for carbon offsetting during checkout. We usually opt for woodland regeneration projects in the UK.