Large-format printing

Every so often it’s necessary to produce large-format printed materials, including large posters, A-frame inserts, banners and so-on.

All large-format printing should be proofed by the Communications Team and printed via the Church’s preferred print supplier.

Please allow at least a two-week lead time for external printing. This gives the Communications Team time to proof the material, make any necessary changes, order the print job and allow for delivery.

General principles

  • Keep the amount of content to a minimum – large format printing is generally intended to be read as people pass by.
  • Make sure everything is large enough to be clear at the expected reading distance.
  • Check that all images are high enough resolution to reproduce well. If possible, use vector graphics.
  • Aim for reusability. Can the printing be generic enough that we can use it for the same event next year, for example.
  • Double check all dates, times, locations and URLs.