Social media

Social media forms a key part of our outreach strategy, promoting the work of the Church.


The Church

St Mary’s has the following social media channels which it actively maintains for ‘the Church’:


Community Centre

It also maintains the following for the Community Centre:


Running social media accounts


If you need access to any of the social media accounts, please get in touch with the Communications Team.

In general, you should never need individual usernames and passwords for any of our social media accounts, as they are managed centrally and users are given delegated access.


Everyone who uses social media on behalf of the Church must familiarise themselves with the Parish Safeguarding Handbook Section 12, as well as our Safeguarding Policy and reporting procedure.

You should also make sure the Parish Safeguarding Officer is aware that you have responsibility for social media, so that you can be kept up to date with any new training or requirements.

Images of children

You must not post any images featuring identifiable children except where an explicit model release exists for that purpose. For more details, including consent forms, check our page on images of children.


You should be aware of our Branding & Style Guide, particularly the section on writing style, before sharing content on social media.

We are also signatories to the Church of England’s Digital Charter, and we adhere to the Church of Englands’ Social media community guidelines.