Working at height

If you have not received appropriate training for the equipment you are using, are uncertain about the height you will be working at or feel unsafe at any point you should stop and get in touch with the Church’s Health and Safety officer.

Before working at height you must always:

  • Make sure you and anyone else involved have been appropriately briefed on the task. This should include a risk assesment.
  • Conduct an equipment check, including any necessary PPE.

You have a duty to report any incident, including near misses, which may happen whilst working at height.

Planning work

When planning work at height on behalf of the Church, even as a volunteer, you are subject to the Work at Height Regulations 2005. The HSE have made a guide available covering the essentials:

Working at height: A brief guide

Always perform an appropriate risk assessment. This may only need to be a quick sense-check, or may be more involved. If you’re not sure of the risks, ask for help.