
 Do not neglect hospitality, because through it some have entertained angels without knowing it.
Hebrews 13.2

Before the service

Stewards should arrive no later than 9.40 am.

I.D. lanyards are provided to ensure that Stewards are easily identifiable by name – please let a Churchwarden know if you do not have one.

Stewards should position themselves adjacent to the main entrance in order to provide a warm welcome to everyone entering the church, and distribute service booklets as required. Whilst it’s essential to engage with individuals who have entered the building, it is also important to remain in a position to see new arrivals so that they are greeted appropriately.

Laminated ‘I give by standing order’ cards should be made easily accessible on entry.

The roles of a Steward

Stewards are responsible for the smooth running of a service and the care of the congregation. Their specific roles are:


Collection plates are stored on the windowsill near the main entrance.

Stewards are responsible for the circulation of collection plates amongst the congregation in the north and south aisles during the offertory hymn (Churchwardens are responsible for the nave) and should return them to the Churchwardens at the rear of the church when the collection is completed.


Stewards have a responsibility to ensure the smooth and timely distribution of communion under the direction of the Churchwardens, being prepared to encourage individuals to approach the altar where appropriate.

Clergy should be alerted to the need for anyone with mobility issues to receive communion in their pew.

When all communicants in the side aisles have received, stewards should position themselves near the front to further direct remaining occupants of the centre aisles in liaison with Churchwardens.

Churchwardens and Stewards approach the altar to take communion when all others have received.


Churchwardens and Stewards have a responsibility for the pastoral care of the congregation, and should the need arise Stewards should assist the Churchwardens in managing an emergency situation.

If it is necessary to evacuate, the fire assembly point is the Community Centre car park.


There is an emergency defibrillator on the outside of the Community Centre, to the right hand side of the main entrance. If needed, dial 999 immediately for the access code.

After the service

Please ensure that the church is left clean and tidy, ready for the next service. Lost property should be placed in the marked box near the main entrance.

Other useful information


Stewards should be sensitive to the potential requirements of individuals with additional needs such as:

Mobility requirements

There is a wheelchair at the back of church if needed

Communion may be administered in the pew – let the serving team know if this is needed.

Hearing impairments

The church has a loop system fitted, which can be used by setting hearing aids to the “T” position.

Lip readers may need a front pew.


In case of latecomers, one Steward should remain near the entrance until the end of the first hymn.

People not wishing to be streamed

Most of our services are streamed live to the internet and made available to watch later. If a person does not want to be streamed, please introduce them to the Technician who can follow the appropriate process. You shouldn’t ask why a person doesn’t want to appear on camera.


You can always find the latest rota at

Should you be unable to attend on your rota date please arrange to swap with another member of the team.


You may find these prayers useful before or after a service.

A Steward’s prayer before worship

Almighty God, you have called us to serve you as Stewards in your church, fill us all with your Holy Spirit.

Bless all who come to your house this day, and help us to worship you with reverence and devotion, through Jesus Christ our Lord.


A Steward’s prayer after worship

Heavenly Father, the hosts of heaven ceaselessly proclaim your glory and we have joined with them in praising your holy name.

Make us mindful of all your blessings and guide all of us in this coming week, through Jesus Christ our Lord.


From John Pitchford, An ABC for the PCC, Mowbray 1993